Archive for the ‘CodeProject’ Category.

Windows Mobile: SetSystemTime and DST, Einstein’s Relativity Theory?

Wow, as I first saw this issue, I thought I was facing Einstein’s Relativity Theory.

The issue is simple to explain:
1) The WinMo device has a local time and date within DST
2) You use SetSystemTime to set a new system time and date outside the DST frame
3) The local time changes but DST is still applied!

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Mobile Development – Reset Device password

Some times ago, I got a device locked with a password. As I needed to access the device using ActiveSync I did some research and found the registry keys responsible for the device password:

So I wrote a small application which resets the device password.

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Mobile development – a WiFi signal strength indicator

Here is one more windows mobile taskbar addon. I have seen many people are interested in these small widgets. This one shows the signal strength of the current associated access point in your taskbar.

The code is the same as with the other taskbaraddons you find here, only the code for wireless signal strength has been added. Oh, yes, and this addon uses small bitmaps to show the signal strength.

To get the signal strength I use part of PeekPocket code submission at CodeProject. I only need the name of the first wireless adapter.

Continue reading ‘Mobile development – a WiFi signal strength indicator’ »

Create a skin for MyMobiler

Hopefully you know the great free remote software MyMobiler for windows and windows mobile devices. MyMobiler supports remote use of windows mobile device from your Windows PC. It also has some additional features like a remote file explorer etc.

Although MyMobiler allows to use skins, there is no Skin editor. A skin lets you view the windows mobile device on your windows PC to look like the real device.

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