Archive for the ‘CodeProject’ Category.

Connecting a Bluetooth Barcode Scanner to WinXP with SP2

How to connect a Bluetooth Barcode Scanner without additional software in Windows XP

  • Incoming or outgoing connection
  • Pairing from SF51 as client with SPP
  • Using accessibility options to simulate keystrokes
  • Cleanup COM port usage
  • Installation of SF51 as HID device

There are several ways to connect your sf51 and your PC. If you have your own application, you should use a serial connection. If you paired the SF51 with an incoming connection on the PC, the scanner will be online, when you open the COM port.

If you don’t own the source of the target application(s), you have to use a solution, that translates the barcodes scanned into keystrokes.

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Windows Mobile 6.x -How to find out the last boot type

I have been asked, how one can see, if a device has been clean booted. Here is an answer.

First, there is a registry key you can check:

"Last Boot Type"=dword:00000002

after a coldboot this value is 0. For warmboots the value is 2.

and another one


The BootCount value starts with 1 at a cleanboot and counts with every reboot. This device had 1 clean boot and 4 warm boots.

These registry keys are easy to find with free tools like ssnap and WinMerge.

Another way to check for a clean boot is to look for a custom file or a custom registry entry in \Windows. With a cleanboot all contents is reset to the factory default (except for \Flash File Store (persistent storage) or external memory cards). If you created a file in \Windows or a value in the registry, these are gone after a cleanboot.

Decrypt Remote Desktop Mobile password

I found the article about decrypting saved RDP passwords at and

Fortunately, decrypting a saved Windows Mobile password is not as complicated as on Desktop PCs. There is no entropy (???) etc.

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Use FuncKey to free up your FunctionKeys on Windows Mobile


Updated on 10. feb 2010

I finished a toolset to free the function keys on windows mobile devices. That means a tool set that will give you back the function keys. Instead of F3 launching the phone app, you can free the F3 key and use it in your app.

Continue reading ‘Use FuncKey to free up your FunctionKeys on Windows Mobile’ »