Archive for the ‘CodeProject’ Category.

Hooking into the keyboard message queue

Although undocumented keyboard hooking is possible. I read an article at CodeProject about hooking and wrote some applications that uses this great possibility. One result is iHook, an application that will do something like the button shortcuts applet in windows mobile. You can define keys and what application they should start.

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Internet Explorer Mobile handles key events

WOW, IEM (tested from AKU 6.1.5) handles key events.

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Enhanced GPS sample

First, the GPS sample provided by MS is a very good starting point for C# programmers getting GPS to work. GREAT!

I used the sample and modded it to get more informations on the screen.

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Windows Mobile RFID VB sample code for ITC IP4 and IP30

Unfortunately ITC don’t provide a VB example on how to use there RFID resource kit. So I started to migrate the existing example “CF_IP4ReaderSampleFor700” to VB. It is still basic but shows all you need to program a mobile RFID reader.

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