Archive for the ‘Tools’ Category.

USBkey: keyboard remapping from cmd line (ITC only)

A simple keyboard remapper command line tool for devices having a USB keypad (CN3, CK61, CV30, CK3).

The ITC devices use a USB keyboard driver. You can remap keys of the keypad using the keby remapper tool from the Device Resource Kit. Unfortunately not all possible assignments are available with this remapper tool, so I wrote a tool that gives you full control. Be careful when using.

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BatteryLog, a tool to log battery usage

We are often asked about estimated battery life time.

As you know, this depends on a lots of settings and the environment. Inspired by Ronalds presentation/session called ‘Thinking green’ at an ITC developer conference and on request of partners I did a small app that will log battery status including device settings (radios activated).

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Toggle keyboard using keyboard hook

This is transfered from my static page:


Using function keys by pressing numbers. Written for ITC 700 color running windows mobile 2003.

Note: Updated KeyToggle.exe and download cab:
[Download not found]

There was a bug, so the sticky key still produced wm_keydown messages. Fixed version is v2.1.1.0.

With keytoggle you can define a ‘sticky’ key that will change the behaviour of the number keys. As long as the sticky key is ‘active’, number keys from 1 to 0 will produce the function keys F1 to F10. If sticky key is active, the left LED will light in green.

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KeyTest3AK – a tool to look at keyboard codes

Updated 7. june 2010: added source code and binaries for KeyTest3AK with prechecked WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEY_UP, WM_CHAR and option to save a log.

[Download not found]


I just finished my KeyTest3AK. You can take alook at what keycodes produced by the keys on your handheld. Additionally there are options to test what happens, if you use GXOpenInput(), RegisterHotKeys(), UnregisterFunc1 and AllKeys().

Continue reading ‘KeyTest3AK – a tool to look at keyboard codes’ »