Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category.
April 29, 2016, 20:05
itead hat mit dem sonoff Modul einen sehr günstigen ESP-8266 basierten WLAN Stromschalter im Programm. Kostet derzeit bei itead unter 5$, allerdings mit ca. 8$ Versand. Wenn man aber gleich vier davon bestellt, lohnt sich das gegenüber anderen China-Versendern, die diese Modul für ca. 10$ verkaufen.
Das Ding lässt sich wunderbar mit einer eigenen Firmware flashen, wenn man einen 4-Pin Header einlötet und einen USB-TTL Konverter mit 3.3V hat.
Continue reading ‘fhem: Lampe (220V) mit sonoff über WiFi schalten’ »
February 17, 2016, 18:44
Last week I got my rtl-sdr usb dongle by I ordered the “RTL-SDR Blog R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA Software Defined Radio with 2x Telescopic Antennas”.
Installation of the driver on the Debian Jessie system worked flawless I also first insalled and tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 B without hassles. But as I wanted to use the dongle alos as a radio scanner, I went over two the larger system.
After trying different Linux compatible software for Radio reception I went over to ADS reception. First I started with dump1090, which runs fine without any problems but I missed the similar display on a google map and airplane details. So I tried ADSbox. After getting the sqlite3 source and placing it nearby the adsbox directory, the compilation went fine and I now can watch some airplanes around my location.
and, some time later (therefor different planes):
Please know that the noise made by these airplanes is loud, even if they are 30000ft high and some kilometres away.
Now, I know which planes are there making the noise and where they are. Frustrating…I can not do anything against the noise but going indoor.
November 28, 2015, 10:06
Um alle Batterien von Sensoren in einer Gruppe anzuzeigen habe ich folgendes in meiner fhem.cfg:
#Batteriestatus aller Devices im Raum Zentral anzeigen
define ZE.Batterie readingsGroup .*:[Bb]attery\
attr ZE.Batterie notime 1
attr ZE.Batterie room Zentral
attr ZE.Batterie valueFormat {return "0" if( $VALUE eq "low" );; return "100" if( $VALUE eq "ok" );; return "25" if( $VALUE < 2.1 );; return "50" if( $VALUE < 2.3 );; return "75" if( $VALUE < 2.5 );; return "100"}
attr ZE.Batterie valueIcon {'battery.0' => 'measure_battery_0@red','battery.100' => 'measure_battery_100@green','Battery.0' => 'measure_battery_0@red','Battery.100' => 'measure_battery_100@green','batteryLevel.0' => 'measure_battery_0@red','batteryLevel.25' => 'measure_battery_25@red','batteryLevel.50' => 'measure_battery_50@orange','batteryLevel.75' => 'measure_battery_75@green','batteryLevel.100' => 'measure_battery_100@green'}
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November 28, 2015, 10:00
Hier möchte ich nur kurz meine logrotate configuration festhalten:
hgode@atom2:~$ cat /etc/logrotate.d/fhem
/opt/fhem/log/fhem.log {
rotate 5
/etc/init.d/fhem restart
Wichtig ist, dass die Anweisung in postrotate/endscript keinen Fehler zurückmlden. Dann läuft das logrotate nämlich gar nicht!