Windows 2012 R2 Terminal Service does not render Desktop if resolution width less than 600

Recently I had to realize that w2k12 only shows an empty background when connecting to a new Terminal Service session and the requested resolution is 240×320, 480×640 or 480×800. These reolutions are used by Remote Desktop Mobille if you select the option “Fit remote desktop to screen”.

After login, the Start screen (Metro-Ui) is shown, regardless of having set TS to start new sessions always in Desktop mode. If you then start a desktop application or simply the “Control Panel” or “My Computer”, which are Desktop apps both, the screen changes to show an empty (Start screen) background only.


The apps are started on the desktop, but the desktop will not be shown by TS!

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Cisco Aironet 1200 AP1231G WPA-PSK clients do not connect

For the esp-link project I tried to set my standard WLAN for the esp-link ESP-8266 ESP-01 modul. Unfortunately the ESP-8266 was unable to connect. My WLAN uses simple WPA PSK and TKIP and I did not have that connection issues before. The Cisco AP1231 access points work reliable.

After some digging and asking around with no solution I added one more access point (a TP-Link WA500G) and configured a wireless network with WPA2 PSK and AES. The ESP-8266 immediately was able to connect. This was OK for some time but why add an additional AP only for one client?

A friend then lead me to take a look at the Cisco event log and I saw many “Packet to client 18fe.34a6.ed4e reached max retries, removing the client” entries


Packet to client 10d3.8af5.16ff reached max retries, removing the client 

when the ESP-8266 tried to connect to the Cisco wireless network. After some research the tip found was to increase the packet retries parameter on the Cisco AP:

 AP1#conf t
 Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
 AP1(config)#interface dot11radio 0
 AP1(config-if)#packet retries 128 drop-packet
AP1#copy running-config startup-config

The Cisco radio did a reset and then I tried to connect the ESP-8266 again. This time the ESP connected successfully.

Another issue solved.


FHEM – serielle Geräte über WiFi anbinden

Manchmal möchte man vielleicht ein serielles Gerät (device) statt über USB oder RS232 entfernt vom FHEM Server betreiben. Zum Beispiel einen FhemDuino oder SignalDuino oder RFXCOM. Dies ist nun mit einem ESP-01 oder einem anderen ESP Modul basierend auf dem ESP-8266 einfach möglich.

Der ESP-8266 bietet WLAN Anbindung, zwei oder mehr GPIO Ein- und Ausgänge und eine serielle Schnittstelle. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Software kann man einen ESP-8266 als WiFi-Serial Bridge einsetzen. Das heisst, alles was seriell rein oder raus geht wird über WiFi und ein geeignetes Protokol zum oder vom FHEM Server übertragen.

In meinem Beispiel betreibe ich einen Arduino Nano mit der SignalDuino Software und einem ESP-01 mit der JeeLink Software esp-link an meinem FHEM Server.

Continue reading ‘FHEM – serielle Geräte über WiFi anbinden’ »

Mobile Development: Subclass foreign Window using injectDLL

Recently we needed to show and hide the SIP (Software Input Panel) inside a full screen Remote Desktop Mobile session.

The first challenge is to control the SIP without having a menu bar with the SIP symbol inside. To get this working you can assign a hardware keyboard button, it must be an App button, to show the SIP. See Settings>Personal>Buttons and assign “<Input Panel>” to the hardware key.

app_button_to_input_panel RDM_fullscreen_option RDM_fullscreen RDM_fullscreen_with_SIP

Unfortunately the SIP will be hidden immediately after being shown if RDM is started with Full Screen option.

Continue reading ‘Mobile Development: Subclass foreign Window using injectDLL’ »