Android development: btPrint4 prints demos and files to Bluetooth receipt and label printers

This is an update to my btPrint4 android application. The app now supports ‘printing’ of files. You are no longer tied to the provided demo files. ‘Printing’ here means it sends the file as is to the printer. So, watch your step and do not send files that your printer does not understand.

btprin4_file_main  btprint4_file_selected  btprint4_file_browse

Added a file browser activity: a class named item to hold file informations, a FileChooser class and a FileArrayAdapter. Then the needed layout files are added.

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Windows Phone 8: print demo for bluetooth label/receipt printers

This is the description of my btPrint demo app to print demo files to portable bluetooth label/receipt printers. I already did the same app for android and now wanted to do the same for windows phone 8.

The app starts with the main screen where you select a bluetooth printer, connect, select a demo file and let it print.

btprint_main_start_bt_and_file_selected btprint_demolist
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Mobile Development: PingNG-the next generation ping

As I needed a tool to test the maximum MTU size for a network, I needed a ping tool where I can define the packet size and the DF (Do Not Fragment-Flag). As I did not find such a tool, I wrote PingNG.

main main2 options_df

It is a simple tool but the code had to avoid some pitfalls.

Continue reading ‘Mobile Development: PingNG-the next generation ping’ »

android: ipPrint4 print label/receipts to ip printer


An android label/receipt printing app for TCP/IP connected printers

This app is based on my btPrint4 app. In contrast to btPrint4 this time we print on TCP/IP connected printers to port 9100.

As with btPrint4 we have a main activity and one to list available printers and one to list available demo files.

ipprint4_main pb31

The challenge with ipPrint4 was a replacement for the bluetooth device discovery. This time we have to scan TCP/IP address range for port 9100. This port is also called HP direct printing port and supported by many printers. It behaves similar to telnet and you can just send print commands to the interface.

The second main change to btPrint4 was the printing code. This time we do not have to use a bluetooth socket but a network TCP/IP socket.

A TCP/IP portscanner

If you scan a range of IP addresses in sequence and try to open a port with a timeout of, let’s say 200ms, the scan will take (200msx254, scan from 1 to 254) 50 seconds.

Port scan code Continue reading ‘android: ipPrint4 print label/receipts to ip printer’ »