Mobile Development: BarcodeLib again ported to Compact Framework

I again ported the codeproject BarcodeLib to Compact Framework. So feel free to use that, if you need one of the supported linear barcode type.


The VS 2008 / WM5 SDK / Full Framework solution is located at github.

A ready to use binary including the lib is at github.


Windows Mobile Device Center does not connect

Possibly you have to restart the services. You can also restart your Windows (as always):

How to restart WindowsMobile WMDC services:

  1. Continue reading ‘Windows Mobile Device Center does not connect’ »

Windows Mobile: Some logging tools

If you ever had a windows mobile device that behaved strange you might need some logging to find the cause.

Here is a collection of logging tools I wrote:

Continue reading ‘Windows Mobile: Some logging tools’ »

Mobile development: rdp_autologin updated to support clipboard redirection

The source code of rdp_autologin has been updated and now default.rdp will now include some more lines:

WorkingDir:s:C:\Program Files (x86)
AlternateShell:s:C:\Program Files (x86)\notepad.exe

where only EnableClipboardRedirection is working.

Will update the code of rdp_autologin and it’s tools to enable you to control the clipboard setting by the registry. Currently it defaults to ENABLED.

See also previous posts.