Mobile development: show a small information window using WIN32 API
Sometimes you may need to display a small window to inform the user about what is going on. Although the scripting tools MortScript and nScript provide functions to show dialogs they can not show simple information windows.
ShowWin is nothing special but a nearly full configurable window to be used from cmd line tools. It just uses Win32 API calls, constants and structures as FindWindow, PostMessage, SendMessage, WM_COPYDATA, COPYDATASTRUCT, GetSystemMetrics, GetDesktopWindow, GetWindowRect, CreateWindowEx, ShowWindow, UpdateWindow, INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX, GetDeviceCaps, CreateFontIndirect, GetWindowDC, ReleaseDC, PROGRESS_CLASS, InvalidateRect, BeginPaint, CreatePen, SelectObject, Rectangle, SetBkMode, DrawText, EndPaint, SetTextColor, DeleteObject, GetKeyState and PostQuitMessage.
Basic WIN32 programming
Possibly you never wrote a native C windows application. Come on and dive into the basics. It is always good to know the basics even if one writes DotNet or JAVA code.
Supported arguments
showWin -t "Text zum Anzeigen" -r 90 -g 80 -b 70 -s 8 -w 200 -h 50 -x 0 -y 0 -rt 200 -gt 20 -bt 20 -ti 10 -progr 30 -align left ARGS: option/parameter: meaning: default: limitations: -t "Text zum Anzeigen" text to show "Installing" 255 chars, no " inside, no line breaks, no tabs -r 90 background color RED 255 0-255 -g 80 background color GREEN 207 0-255 -b 70 background color BLUE 0 0-255 -s 8 font size in points 10 7-24 points -w 200 window width pixels 460 100-screenwidth -h 50 window height pixels 40 menu bar height (ie 26pixels) -x 60 window pos X 12 0 + system window bordersize -y 60 window pos Y 48 0 + system taskbar bar height. Using 0;0 does not work nice on WM, win may be below taskbar -rt 200 text color RED 0 0-255 -gt 20 text color GREEN 0 0-255 -bt 20 text color BLUE 0 0-255 -align center text alignment left center|left|right -ti 10 timeout to autoclose 0 no autoclose, min: 1 (second), max: 3600 = one hour -progr 10 show with progress val 0 no progressbar, max: 100 the progressbar is appended at bottom of textwindow -prval update progress bar value no default, min=1, max=100 -kill kill existing window, exit app -m "new message text" replace text in window see -t
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