Mobile Development: Hooking the keyboard – KeyToggle


Extend your keyboard to get function keys by pressing numbers.

With keytoggle you can define a ‘sticky’ key that will change the beahviour of the number keys. As long as the sticky key is ‘active’, number keys from 1 to 0 will produce the function keys F1 to F10. If sticky key is active, the left LED will light in green.

To start keytoggle just tap it or let it start by a link in StartUp. If keytoggle is loaded, you can see a small yellow arrow sign in the taskbar.

If you tap this symbol, you are asked, if you want to unload the app. If the registry does not have values defined for keytoggle, it will use default values. If you try to launch keytoggle a second time you will get a message box. Only one instance of keytoggle can run at a time.

Using the registry you can define the behaviour of the sticky key. In example, you can have the sticky key remain active until it is pressed again, let it ‘go off’ or ‘fallback’ after a period of time or let it fallback after a number key has been pressed. If the sticky key is pressed again, it will always fallback.

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Ubuntu testing maverick netbook daily builds

Privately I am running an Acer Aspire One D150 (AAO). Although it has Windows XP installed, I did not hesitate to break the partitions and installed first Ubuntu Netbook edition (8.04) and actually updated up to 9.04.

I am always impressed about the great tools available freely for all kinds of usage.

Now Maverick (10.10) Netbook edition will come and I like to test it from time to time but without burning CDs, creating bootable USB sticks. So I stumbled about testdrive. Although this a great tool, it was not able to run the daily build iso inside virtualbox on the AAO.

I remembered that grub should be able to mount iso and start the AAO from that iso. Now I able to test maverick daily builds without touching my well running ubuntu. I can do updates to the iso using zsync and can start, run and test maverick with acceptable performance.

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Automated Login for Remote Desktop Mobile II

Update 18. nov 2011: fixed some bugs, as mentioned by Patrick S. (great to see, that some take and use the code):

  • screen_width and height for WriteRDP()
  • read FitToScreen from reg in readReg()
  • check for already running process of startOnExit in startTSC(). Although I think check for running a process multiple times should be done in the target process.

Update 16. may 2011: converted code for VS2008(windows mobile 6 sdk), see Downloads at bottom

UPDATE 23 june 2010: new registry option to switch between MouseClick and Keyboard simulation:

"Save Password"="1"
"UseMouseClick"="0"    //added with version 3 to switch between mouse and keyboard simulation


Some days ago I published my RDP_Autologin code: RDP_Autologin

As there were some screen metrics hardcoded and more and more devices come with a VGA screen the hardcoded QVGA values will not match. So I extended the first version and implemented some additional logic and settings.

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Enhanced GPS sample update

Some times ago I published my modded GPS_Sample code (see, which is based on a MS GPSsample.

This time I added support for Int*rm*c CN50, which does NOT support reading raw GPS data using a serial connection. Instead the CN50 streams the data to the ‘communication’ port.

BTW: did you know how easy it is to create skins for use with MyMobiler?

Continue reading ‘Enhanced GPS sample update’ »