Posts tagged ‘keyboard’

Mobile Development: Hooking the keyboard – KeyToggle


Extend your keyboard to get function keys by pressing numbers.

With keytoggle you can define a ‘sticky’ key that will change the beahviour of the number keys. As long as the sticky key is ‘active’, number keys from 1 to 0 will produce the function keys F1 to F10. If sticky key is active, the left LED will light in green.

To start keytoggle just tap it or let it start by a link in StartUp. If keytoggle is loaded, you can see a small yellow arrow sign in the taskbar.

If you tap this symbol, you are asked, if you want to unload the app. If the registry does not have values defined for keytoggle, it will use default values. If you try to launch keytoggle a second time you will get a message box. Only one instance of keytoggle can run at a time.

Using the registry you can define the behaviour of the sticky key. In example, you can have the sticky key remain active until it is pressed again, let it ‘go off’ or ‘fallback’ after a period of time or let it fallback after a number key has been pressed. If the sticky key is pressed again, it will always fallback.

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Hooking the keyboard message queue in compact framework code

Here is some nice code to use a keyboard hook implemented in C# for compact framework.

You can use this to catch the funny OS asigned keys like F1, F2, F3, F4, F6 and F7 (Softkey 1 and 2, Phone, End, Volume Up, Volume Down); and last but not least catch the Win Key press.

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USBkey: keyboard remapping from cmd line (ITC only)

A simple keyboard remapper command line tool for devices having a USB keypad (CN3, CK61, CV30, CK3).

The ITC devices use a USB keyboard driver. You can remap keys of the keypad using the keby remapper tool from the Device Resource Kit. Unfortunately not all possible assignments are available with this remapper tool, so I wrote a tool that gives you full control. Be careful when using.

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Control the green and orange keyboard shift planes on ITC device


as this is asked from time to tim, here is a sample and a class in C# (VS2005) that enables you to switch the green and orange keyboard shift plane of the keyboards on ITC CN3, CN3e and possibly other ruggedized ITC handheld devices.

You can control the keyboard shift state and you can subscribe to an event to get information about changes in the keyboard shift panel state. With the latter, you can create an application that is always aware of the active keyboard shift plane.

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